I work as an accountant, and I must be honest, it was a bit of an accident. You see, my husband began to run his own business, and I took a course to help him with the bookkeeping and admin side of things. Then another course. Then another. And slowly, but surely, it dawned on me (I'm not the quickest on the uptake), that maybe, just maybe, I could work in an accountancy practice, instead of being gainfully employed in a large retail establishment. (doing the numbers, but still....).
I duly took up residence in an office in a delightful, family-run accountancy practice, and learned lots of exciting stuff during the 10 years that they were unfortunate enough to put up with me. Things like balance sheets, VAT, payroll, profit and loss accounts, Company tax returns and self-assessment tax returns. Still awake? Good.
Bothering large and small businesses, badgering for information (those limited company accounts won't calculate themselves you know), and being ever so slightly cheeky in the process.
I'm a big fan of Xero, Receipt Bank, Freeagent, and all those lovely time-saving devices, but equally at home with a nice spreadsheet. Colour coded? Perfect. Linky bits all over the shop? Even better! I'm happy to show my clients how they can improve their business processes, after all, with technologies evolving all the time, it would be criminal not to. I've been known to be quite firm on offering that opinion too, and I think that's a good trait.
Want to know more?
Eventually, I decided to strike out on my own and learned even more thrilling stuff, and here I am now. Loving what I do.
Think that we'd be a good fit? Use the contact box, or pick up the phone. Alternatively, connect with me via Linkedin, but I warn you, life's a bit dull on there.
A fabulous bio, penned by my very good self....

About Me

I work as an accountant, and I must be honest, it was a bit of an accident. You see, my husband began to run his own business, and I took a course to help him with the bookkeeping and admin side of things. Then another course. Then another. And slowly, but surely, it dawned on me (I'm not the quickest on the uptake), that maybe, just maybe, I could work in an accountancy practice, instead of being gainfully employed in a large retail establishment. (doing the numbers, but still....).
I duly took up residence in an office in a delightful, family-run accountancy practice, and learned lots of exciting stuff during the 10 years that they were unfortunate enough to put up with me. Things like balance sheets, VAT, payroll, profit and loss accounts, Company tax returns and self-assessment tax returns. Still awake? Good.
Bothering large and small businesses, badgering for information (those limited company accounts won't calculate themselves you know), and being ever so slightly cheeky in the process.
I'm a big fan of Xero, Receipt Bank, Freeagent, and all those lovely time-saving devices, but equally at home with a nice spreadsheet. Colour coded? Perfect. Linky bits all over the shop? Even better! I'm happy to show my clients how they can improve their business processes, after all, with technologies evolving all the time, it would be criminal not to. I've been known to be quite firm on offering that opinion too, and I think that's a good trait.
Want to know more?
Eventually, I decided to strike out on my own and learned even more thrilling stuff, and here I am now. Loving what I do.
Think that we'd be a good fit? Use the contact box, or pick up the phone. Alternatively, connect with me via Linkedin, but I warn you, life's a bit dull on there.
A fabulous bio, penned by my very good self....

I’m around during office hours, and happy to chat. But sometimes, you want to know that you’re definitely speaking to me at say, 10am on Tuesday. (don’t quote me, this isn’t me making an appointment here…). If this is you, (and if you’re still reading, it possibly is), then you can book a call here.